Beach Background

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

E-Group News

I have sent home the weekly newsletter for E-Group.  Please have your child study their spelling words.  They can practice their words on  We will be taking our Weekly Skills Test, Spelling Test and Dictation Test on Wednesday September 25, 3013.   If you would like a copy of the newsletter than explains what we will be learning in class please click on the link below to download the newsletter for Julius.  Please remember that your child may not have me as their reading teacher and their spelling words may be different.

Monday, September 16, 2013

No Excuse Words

No Excuse Words Theme 1
No Excuse words are an essential tool for fluency.  Students will study these words throughout the first 5 weeks of school.  Your child should be able to read and spell the following words.  Please study them frequenty with your child.

animals      even            same           ask          hand       
sentence     back           important    such        became    
later           tell              began          line          think        
big             man            under          came        must             until          children       name          write        off

Your child can practice these words on  Go to  Find the list titled no excuse words theme 1.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Field Trip!

Our class is getting excited for our field trip to Big Springs and Mesa Falls on Wedneday Septemeber 18, 2013.  Please make sure your child brings their permission slip back to school as soon as possible.  We will be going on a few short nature walks on a paved path.  Please make sure that your child wears comfortable shoes.  No flip flops.  Please have your child bring a sweater in case of inclement weather. Parents are welcome to come and meet us in Big Springs. I need to give a lunch count to the cooks for sack lunches from the school so please indicate on their permission slip if they will bring a lunch from home or if they will need a sack lunch from school. Please call with any concerns regarding the field trip.